The integration of artificial intelligence, particularly ChatGPT, in education presents both promising opportunities and notable challenges. Through a systematic review employing the PRISMA method, this article analyzed 45 references published of ChatGPTs impact on educational environments. While ChatGPT offers teachers a versatile learning tool, aiding in tasks, such as lesson planning and content generation, concerns regarding academic integrity and over-reliance on technology have emerged. Ethical considerations, including the potential for cheating in assignments and exams, highlight the need for clear guidelines and ethical frameworks to govern its use. Institutions or related organizations must address issues, such as plagiarism and data privacy, to ensure responsible integration of ChatGPT. Nurturing a growth mindset among educators and learners is crucial to effectively navigate ChatGPT integration. By aligning strategies to leverage ChatGPTs’ capabilities while mitigating risks, educators, institutions, and policymakers can enhance the quality of education in an evolving technological landscape. This article contributes to a deeper understanding of ChatGPTs’ implications in education, providing insights into its advantages and challenges. Informed decision making and proactive measures are essential to harness ChatGPTs potential for transformative impact while safeguarding educational integrity and ethics.
Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence–ChatGPT Adoption in Education Settings: A Literature Review and Future Research Agendas
What is the application?
Who is the user?
Why use AI?
Study design