Showing 91 - 120 of 165 results
Financing School Facilities in California: A Ten-Year Perspective
Eric Brunner, Jeffrey Vincent. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Can Teacher Evaluation Programs Improve Teaching?
Virginia Lovison, Eric Taylor. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Learning to Lead: Understanding California’s Learning System for School and District Leaders
Leib Sutcher, Anne Podolsky, Tara Kini, Patrick M. Shields. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Teaching English Learners in California: How Teacher Credential Requirements in California Address their Needs
Lucrecia Santibañez, Christine Snyder. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Investments in Student Health and Mental Health in California’s Public Schools
Randall Reback. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Assessing Equity in School Leadership in California
Jason Grissom, Brendan Bartanen. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Teacher Staffing Challenges in California: Exploring the Factors that Influence Teacher Staffing and Distribution
Dan Goldhaber, Katharine O. Strunk, Nate Brown, Andrea Chambers, Natsumi Naito, Malcolm Wolff. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Teacher Shortages in California: Status, Sources, and Potential Solutions
Linda Darling-Hammond, Leib Sutcher, Desiree Carver-Thomas. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
A System’s View of California’s Teacher Education Pipeline
Courtney A. Bell, Rachel S. White, Melissa E. White. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
In the Era of the Local Control Funding Formula: The Shifting Role of California’s Chief Business Officers
Jason Willis, Kelsey Krausen, Erika Byun, Ruthie Caparas. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Charter School Authorizing in California
Kirsten Slungaard Mumma, Martin R. West. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
In Need of Improvement? Assessing the California Dashboard after One Year
Morgan Polikoff, Shira Korn, Russell McFall. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Building a System of Support for School Improvement
David Plank, Jennifer O’Day, Benjamin Cottingham. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Making California Data More Useful for Educational Improvement
Meredith Phillips, Sarah Reber, Jesse Rothstein. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
State Structures for Instructional Support in California
Susan Moffitt, Matthew J. Lyddon, Domingo Morel, Michaela Krug O’Neill, Kelly B. Smith, Cadence Willse, David K. Cohen. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Frontlines Perspectives on Instructional Support in the Common Core Era
Susan Moffitt, Matthew J. Lyddon, Michaela Krug O’Neill, Kelly B. Smith, Marie Schenk, Cadence Willse, David K. Cohen. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Taking stock of stakeholder engagement in California’s Local Control Funding Formula: What can we learn from the past four years to guide next steps?
Julie A. Marsh, Michelle Hall, Taylor Allbright, Laura Tobben, Laura Mulfinger,, Kate Kennedy, Eupha Jeanne Daramola. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF): What Have We Learned After Four Years of Implementation?
Julia E. Koppich, Daniel C. Humphrey. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Using Data for Improvement: Learning from the CORE Data Collaborative
Heather Hough, Erika Byun, Laura Mulfinger. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Federal Policy Meets the “California Way”
Jeffrey R. Henig, Melissa Arnold Lyon. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Towards a Common Vision of Continuous Improvement for California
Alicia Grunow, Heather Hough, Sandra Park, Jason Willis, Kelsey Krausen. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Insights on Standards Implementation in California’s Schools
Neal Finkelstein, Reino Makkonen, Rebecca Perry, Francesca Delgado, Clay Willis, Pam Spycher, Kim Austin. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Aims and Purposes of a State Schooling System: The Case of California
Harry Brighouse, Kailey Mullane. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
State Policies to Advance English Learners’ Experiences and Outcomes in California’s Schools
Ilana Umansky. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Early Childhood Education in California
Deborah Stipek. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
A Portrait of California Career Technical Education Pathway Completers
Sherrie Reed, Shaun Dougherty, Michal Kurlaender, Joanna Mathias. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Setting the Stage: Trends in Student Demographics and Enrollment in California
Sarah Reber, Demetra Kalogrides. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
A Portrait of Educational Outcomes in California
Sean Reardon, Chris Doss, Josh Gagné, Rebecca Gleit, Angela Johnson, Victoria Sosina. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
An Update to the 2014 CREDO Study Charter School Performance in California
Macke Raymond. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
College Readiness in the Era of Common Core
Michal Kurlaender, Sherrie Reed, Kramer Cohen, Briana Ballis. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.