In this paper, we study how generative AI and specifically large language models (LLMs) impact learning in coding classes. We show across three studies that LLM usage can have positive and negative effects on learning outcomes. Using observational data from university-level programming courses, we establish such effects in the field. We replicate these findings in subsequent experimental studies, which closely resemble typical learning scenarios, to show causality. We find evidence for two contrasting mechanisms that determine the overall effect of LLM usage on learning. Students who use LLMs as personal tutors by conversing about the topic and asking for explanations benefit from usage. However, learning is impaired for students who excessively rely on LLMs to solve practice exercises for them and thus do not invest sufficient own mental effort. Those who never used LLMs before are particularly prone to such adverse behavior. Students without prior domain knowledge gain more from having access to LLMs. Finally, we show that the self-perceived benefits of using LLMs for learning exceed the actual benefits, potentially resulting in an overestimation of one's own abilities. Overall, our findings show promising potential of LLMs as learning support, however also that students have to be very cautious of possible pitfalls.
AI Meets the Classroom: When Does ChatGPT Harm Learning?
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