The Getting Down to Facts II project assembled an outstanding group of the top scholars in the field of education to focus their collective attention on the current conditions and paths forward for California school systems. These researchers convened three times between 2017-2018 to coordinate their efforts and strengthen one another’s research. Working groups of researchers were organized around the four topic areas in Getting Down to Facts II: student success, governance, personnel, finance.
*** Please note that researchers' affiliations were at the time of Getting Down to Facts 2018.
Project Leads
- Susanna Loeb, Brown University, Principal Investigator
- Jeannie Myung, Getting Down to Facts II, Managing Director
Lead Researchers: Student Success
- Harry Brighouse, University of Wisconsin- Madison
- Chris Doss, RAND Corporation
- Shaun Dougherty, Vanderbilt University
- Christopher Edley, Jr., Opportunity Institute
- Demetra Kalogrides, Stanford University
- Michal Kurlaender, University of California, Davis
- Macke Raymond, CREDO at Stanford University
- Sean Reardon, Stanford University
- Randall Reback, Barnard College, Columbia University
- Sarah Reber, University of California, Los Angeles
- Sherrie Reed, University of California, Davis
- Deborah Stipek, Stanford University
- Ilana Umansky, University of Oregon
Lead Researchers: Governance
- Neal Finkelstein, WestEd
- Alicia Grunow, Improvement Collective
- Jeffrey R. Henig, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Heather Hough, Policy Analysis for California Education
- Daniel Humphrey, Independent Consultant
- Julia E. Koppich, J. Koppich & Associates
- Melissa Arnold Lyon, Teachers College, Columbia University
- Julie A. Marsh, University of Southern California
- Susan Moffitt, Brown University
- Kirsten Slungaard Mumma, Harvard University
- Meredith Phillips, University of California, Los Angeles
- David Plank, Stanford University
- Morgan Polikoff, University of Southern California
- Jesse Rothstein, University of California, Berkeley
- Martin West, Harvard University
- Jason Willis, WestEd
Lead Researchers: Personnel
- Courtney A. Bell, Educational Testing Service
- Linda Darling-Hammond, Learning Policy Institute
- Dan Goldhaber, American Institutes for Research and University of Washington
- Jason A. Grissom, Vanderbilt University
- Lucrecia Santibañez, Claremont Graduate University
- Katharine O. Strunk, Michigan State University
- Leib Sutcher, Learning Policy Institute
- Eric S. Taylor, Harvard University
Lead Researchers: Finance
- Drew Atchison, American Institutes for Research
- Eric Brunner, University of Connecticut
- Paul Bruno, University of Southern California
- Laura Hill, Public Policy Institute of California
- Jennifer Imazeki, San Diego State University
- Rucker Johnson, University of California, Berkeley
- Cory Koedel, University of Missouri
- Jesse Levin, American Institutes for Research
- Iliana Brodziak de los Reyes, American Institutes for Research
- Sean Tanner, Learning Policy Institute
- Jeffrey M. Vincent, University of California, Berkeley
- Paul Warren, Public Policy Institute of California