2007 Getting Down to Facts
Getting Down to Facts researchers took a two-pronged approach to uncovering the most valuable information for California policymakers. First they looked broadly at California’s school finance and governance system in order to identify the most important factors that facilitate or hinder the effective use of education resources in California. Second, they targeted a number of crucial areas that a priori appeared particularly important to address in an in-depth exploration of school finance and governance. The researchers aimed to make the best possible use of existing research findings, identifying important holes in existing research and determining whether there were empirical studies that could be performed in the given timeframe to fill some of these holes. The new empirical work stems from this approach. As a result, the studies each provide a strong review of the literature with targeted new empirical additions.
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22
Getting Down to Facts: School Finance and Governance in California
Susanna Loeb, Anthony Bryk, Eric Hanushek. (2007). Education Finance and Policy.
A review of state teacher policies: What are they, what are their effects, and what are their implications for school finance?
Susanna Loeb, Luke Miller. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Aligning School Finance with Academic Standards: A Weighted-Student Formula Based on a Survey of Practitioners
Jon Sonstelie. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Assessing the Costs of K-12 Education in California Public Schools
Jennifer Imazeki. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Bringing the State and Locals Together: Developing Effective Data Systems in California School Districts
Ida Oberman, Jim Hollis, Don Dailey. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
California principals’ resources: Acquisition, deployment, and barriers
Bruce Fuller, Susanna Loeb, Nicole Arshan, Allison Chen, Susanna Yi. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Charter Schools in California: A Review of their Autonomy and Resources Allocation Practices
María Pérez, Priyanka Anand, Cecilia Speroni, Tom Parrish, Phil Esra, Miguel Socías, Paul Gubbins. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Considering Special Education Adequacy in California
Jenifer J. Harr, Tom Parrish, Jay Chambers, Jesse Levin, Maria Segarra. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Do Non-School Resources Substitute for School Resources? A Review of the Evidence
Thomas Downes. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Education Data in California: Availability and Transparency
Janet Hansen. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Efficiency and Adequacy in California School Finance: A Professional Judgment Approach
Jay Chambers, Jesse Levin, Danielle DeLancey. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Equality and Adequacy in the State’s Provision of Education: Mapping the Conceptual Landscape
Rob Reich. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Evaluating the "Crazy Quilt": Educational Governance in California
Dominic Brewer, Joanna Smith. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Financing K-12 Education in California: A System Overview
Thomas Timar. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Financing School Facilities in California
Eric J. Brunner. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Leadership Development in California
Linda Darling-Hammond, Stelios Orphanos. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Resource Needs for California’s English Learners
Patricia Gándara, Russell W. Rumberger. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
School District Financial Management: Personnel Policies, and Practices
Mary Perry, Isabel Oregón, Trish Williams, Robert Miyashiro, Ron Bennett, Janelle Kubinec, Laurel Groff, Philip Wong, Ron Bennett. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Successful California Schools in the Context of Educational Adequacy
María Pérez, Tom Parrish, Priyanka Anand, Cecilia Speroni, Phil Esra, Miguel Socias, Paul Gubbins. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Teacher Compensation and Local Labor Market Conditions in California: Implications for School Funding
Heather Rose, Ria Sengupta. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
The Evolution of California’s State School Finance System and Implications from Other States
Michael Kirst, Margaret Goertz, Allan Odden. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.
Understanding the Incentives in California’s Education Finance System
William Duncombe, John Yinger. (2007). Getting Down to Facts.