Research Briefs
The Getting Down to Facts II project distilled the findings from 36 technical reports on California’s PreK-12 education system into 19 research briefs that highlight the key findings and conclusions from the research studies.
Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Student Success
Current Conditions and Paths Forward for California Schools
Susanna Loeb, Christopher Edley, Jr., Jennifer Imazeki, Deborah Stipek. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Charter Schools in California
Macke Raymond, Kirsten Slungaard Mumma, Martin West. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Early Childhood Education in California
Deborah Stipek. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
English Learners: Charting Their Experiences and Mapping Their Futures in California Schools
Lucrecia Santibañez, Ilana Umansky. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Outcomes and Demographics of California’s Schools
Harry Brighouse, Michal Kurlaender, Sean Reardon, Chris Doss, Sarah Reber, Demetra Kalogrides, Sherrie Reed. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Continuous Improvement: Building System Capacity to Learn
Alicia Grunow, Heather Hough. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Creating Coherent Systems to Support Education Improvement
Jeffrey R. Henig, Melissa Arnold Lyon, Susan Moffitt, David Plank. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Implementing the Common Core State Standards in California Schools: A Work in Progress
Susan Moffitt, Neal Finkelstein. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Making California Data More Useful for Educational Improvement
Meredith Phillips, Sarah Reber, Jesse Rothstein. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
The Local Control Funding Formula After Four Years: What Do We Know?
Julia E. Koppich, Daniel C. Humphrey, Julie A. Marsh, Morgan Polikoff, Jason Willis. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Education Equity in California
Christopher Edley Jr., Hayin Kimner. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Effects of the Local Control Funding Formula on Revenues, Expenditures, and Student Outcomes
Rucker Johnson, Paul Bruno, Sean Tanner. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Financing School Facilities in California: A 10-Year Perspective
Eric Brunner, Jeffrey M. Vincent. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Pensions and California Public Schools
Cory Koedel. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Revisiting Finance and Governance Issues in Special Education
Paul Warren, Laura Hill. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Working Toward K-12 Funding Adequacy: California’s Current Policies and Funding Levels
Jennifer Imazeki, Paul Bruno, Jesse Levin, Iliana Brodziak de los Reyes, Drew Atchison. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Improving Teacher Practice
Courtney A. Bell, Lucrecia Santibañez, Eric Taylor. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Investments in Students’ Physical and Mental Health in California’s Public Schools
Randall Reback. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
Teacher Supply Falls Short of Demand in High-Need Fields, Locations
Linda Darling-Hammond, Dan Goldhaber, Katharine O. Strunk, Leib Sutcher. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.
The Development and Distribution of School Leadership in California
Jason Grissom, Leib Sutcher. (2018). Getting Down to Facts II.