Acelero Learning: Annual Report 2021

Susanna Loeb,
Monica Lee,
Leiah Groom-Thomas,
Demetra Kalogrides,
Kathleen Lynch
Acelero Learning

During the 2020-2021 school year, researchers at the Annenberg Institute at Brown University evaluated growth in school readiness outcomes among young children attending Acelero Learning’s Head Start and Early Head Start programs as a part of the research practice partnership between the two organizations.

The purpose of the Acelero Program Evaluation was to examine young children’s growth on school readiness outcomes over the course of the academic year. Specifically, the research team used assessment data, administrative data, and family survey responses to address pre-determined research questions on the change in early learning outcomes among young children. During this school year, Acelero enrolled children in both center-based (in-person) and home-based (virtual) learning models. Given the unique circumstances of this year, understanding students’ progress at Acelero was unusually important for serving families.

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