Sarah Novicoff is a PhD Candidate in Educational Policy and Economics of Education at the Stanford University Graduate School of Education. In her doctoral education, her research uses quantitative and mixed methods to understand how state policy can improve the educational experiences of students from traditionally underserved backgrounds (e.g., English learners), with a specific focus on early literacy. Sarah is a recipient of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Dissertation Grant and of the Stanford Graduate Fellowship. Her work has been published in the American Educational Research Journal and conditionally accepted at Educational Researcher and Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. Prior to graduate school, Sarah was a 6th grade Social Studies teacher in South Los Angeles. Sarah holds a M.A. in Economics from Stanford University and a B.A. in History with Honors from Brown University where she graduated magna cum laude.
Education policy; accountability and autonomy; early literacy; multilingual learners; causal inference; mixed-methods